Signature colors:
CRIMSON CORE - UV reactive red marbled with shimmery black
COBALT FANG - UV reactive blue marbled with shimmery black
for custom colorations, add description in notes field for checkout - we may contact you to work out all the details!
Petite |
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Jumbo |
Total Length | 5.25" |
6.38" |
7.5" |
8.63" |
9.75" |
Usable Length | 4.41" |
5.36" |
6.3" | 7.25" |
8.19" |
Upper Shaft Diameter |
1.33" |
1.62" |
1.9" |
2.19" |
2.47" |
Knot Diameter |
1.51" |
1.83" |
2.15" | 2.47" |
2.80" |
Knot Circumference | 4.73" |
5.74" |
6.75" |
7.76" |
8.78" |
Sid the Biomech - nonbinary He/They/It
Trustworthy teammate, can lift a person in one arm, will help load your ship for takeoff.
This one may forget how to access and repair their own systems - but they never forget a face, and enjoy being useful in ways they could not before their body was fully mechanical.
Sid the Biomech may be a large strong machine, but their heart is pure and they loves to sleep in and cuddle.
Design, Character and Art by Scritt